How To Screenshot On Lg Cell Phone? Read More Informations

Capturing a screenshot is an essential skill for smartphone users, enabling them to quickly save and share everything on their screen. For LG smartphone users, taking a screenshot can be accomplished through various methods, each tailored to different needs and preferences. This comprehensive guide explores two primary ways to take screenshots on an LG cell phone, utilizing both built-in features and applications designed to enhance this functionality.

Understanding the Importance of Screenshots

Screenshots are not only useful for capturing and sharing images of your screen but also serve as a quick means of documenting and sharing information. Whether it’s saving a receipt, capturing a particularly high score in a game, or keeping a record of a conversation, screenshots can provide a quick and easy solution to many modern-day documentation needs.

Method 1: Using Physical Buttons

The most straightforward way to take a screenshot on an LG smartphone involves using the device’s physical buttons. This method is quick and efficient, making it ideal for those who need to capture something on the fly.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Prepare the Screen: Navigate to the content you want to capture on your LG phone.
  2. Capture the Screenshot: Press and hold the ‘Volume Down’ and ‘Power’ buttons simultaneously for a few seconds. You should hear a shutter sound or see a visual indication that a screenshot has been taken.
  3. Access the Screenshot: The captured image is automatically saved in your phone’s gallery. On most LG phones, screenshots are stored in a dedicated folder within the gallery app, making them easy to locate and manage.

Method 2: Utilizing QuickMemo+

For users who seek more functionality, such as the ability to annotate or draw on their screenshots immediately after capturing them, LG offers a built-in app called QuickMemo+. This app provides additional features that enhance the screenshot experience.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Install QuickMemo+: Ensure that QuickMemo+ is installed on your device. This app is typically included with most LG phones.
  2. Open the App: Navigate to the screen you want to capture and open the QuickMemo+ app. This can usually be accessed from the notification panel as a shortcut.
  3. Capture and Annotate: Once QuickMemo+ is activated, it captures a screenshot of your current screen and immediately allows you to write notes, draw, or highlight areas directly on the screenshot.
  4. Save and Set Reminders: After making the necessary annotations, you can save the screenshot within the QuickMemo+ app. You can also set reminders if you need to refer back to this note at a later date.
  5. Accessing Saved Screenshots: Screenshots saved through QuickMemo+ can be accessed within the app and are also saved to your gallery for easy sharing and accessibility.

Where to Find Your Screenshots

Regardless of the method used, all screenshots are saved in the device’s internal storage. They can be easily accessed through the gallery app under a specific folder labeled ‘Screenshots.’ This organization ensures that your screenshots are separate from other photos and videos, making them easier to find when needed.


Taking a screenshot on an LG smartphone is a straightforward process that can be done either through button shortcuts or through the enhanced features of the QuickMemo+ app. Understanding these methods allows LG users to efficiently manage their screenshot needs, whether for quick captures or more detailed annotations. This guide provides all the necessary steps and tips to make the most out of your LG device’s screenshot capabilities, enhancing your ability to communicate and save information in a digital format.

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